Friday, June 27, 2008

JRuby Japanese Tour 2008 Wrap-Up!

Whew! I survived the insanity of the JRuby Japanese Tour 2008, and now it's time to report on it. This post will mostly be a blow-by-blow account of the trip, and I'll try to post more in-depth thoughts later. I am still in Tokyo and need to repack my luggage, so this will be brief.

Day 1

  • Left my warm, sunny vacation in Michigan to board flight #1 from Chicago to Minneapolis
  • First-class upgrade for Chicago-Minneapolis flight.'s like an hour flight.
  • Just enough time in Minneapolis airport to change some money. Hopefully 20k ¥ will be enough. Compatible cash machines are hard to come by in Japan.
  • Twelve-hour flight #2 from Minneapolis to Narita. Glad I moved to a window seat facing a bulkhead, since I was able to stretch out and sleep most of the flight.
  • Arrived in Narita without event; purchased bus ticket to Tsukuba and rented a cell phone.
  • Bus ride to Tsukuba went through some very nice countryside.
  • Arrived in Tsukuba, walked about five minutes to the hotel and ran into Chad Fowler, Evan Phoenix, Rich Kilmer and others gathering in the lobby.
  • Checked into my room, dropped off my stuff, went back down to lobby to find other American rubyists had taken off for dinner. Teh suck. Ate unimpressive dinner alone in hotel restaurant.
Day 2
  • Ruby Kaigi day one.
  • Sun folks provided a JRuby t-shirt, which was great because I forgot to pack one of mine!
  • Delivered JRuby presentation, and it went very well. Demos almost all worked perfectly, lots of questions showed people were impressed.
  • Met up with Sun guys at Kaigi booth for a bit. They were giving away little Duke+Ruby candies! Awesome!
  • At evening event, lots of discussion about JRuby, and I got to show off Duby a little bit too.
Day 3
  • Ruby Kaigi day two.
  • Some good talks, but definitely a "day two" slate.
  • Especially liked Naoto Takai and Koichiro Ohba's enterprise Ruby talk. Very pragmatic, hopefully very helpful for .jp Rubyists.
  • Met up with ko1 and Prof Kakehi from Tokyo University to discuss progress of MVM collaboration.
  • Had to leave before Reject Kaigi to transfer to a hotel near Haneda Airport.
  • Dinner at Haneda Airport with Takashi Shitamichi of Sun KK.
  • Stayed at nearby comfortable JAL Hotel, basically JAL's airport hotel.
Day 4
  • Quick breakfast at Haneda Airport; "morning set" included a half-boiled egg, toast, salad, coffee.
  • Flight #3 from Haneda to Izumo. Upgraded for 1000¥ to first class.
  • Takashi and I met Matsue folks at Izumo airport for a short ride to Matsue.
  • Met up with NaCl folks including Matz, Shugo Maeda, and others.
  • Listened to a presentation in English about a large Ruby app migrated from an old COBOL mainframe app. JRuby used to interface Ruby with reporting solutions.
  • Lunch box at NaCl after presentation.
  • Played Shogi with Shugo after lunch. Shugo beat me pretty handily. He said I was strong (but I think he was just being polite).
  • Played Igo (Go) with Hideyuki Yasuda. He played with a 9-stone handicap and was winning when I had to leave. He invited me to join NaCl Igo club on KGS and said he'd like to continue the game online.
  • Delivered a lecture on JRuby with Takashi at Shimane University. Received some good questions, but it was a tough crowd (kids just starting out in CS).
  • Took a quick tour of Matsue Castle with Takashi and a personal guide. Basically ran to the top, looked around, and ran back down. Back to work!
  • Evening event at office of the "Ruby City Matsue" project. While everything was being set up, demonstrated JRuby/JVM/HotSpot optimizations for NaCl folks.
  • Delivered the opening toast for the evening event. Barely had time to eat between questions from folks. Showed off Duby and more HotSpot JIT-logging coolness.
  • Post-event trip to local Irish pub. Many Guinness were drunk. Many Rubyists were drunk.
  • Walked back to hotel earlier than others to get some sleep.
Day 5
  • Took a bus from Matsue back to Izumo Airport.
  • Flights #4 and #5 took me from Izumo to Haneda and Haneda to Fukuoka. Saw Mount Fuji from the air, poking just above the clouds.
  • Takashi and I missed flight #5, so we were delayed about an hour.
  • Arrived in Fukuoka, immediately raced over to Ruby Business Commons event. Delivered presentation to an extremely receptive crowd.
  • Post RBC event included beer, various dried fishy things, and lots of photo-taking and card-exchanging. Showed off Duby again, and met authors of an upcoming Japanese book on JRuby!
  • Invited out for more drinking (famous Fukuoka Shouchu), but Takashi wisely told them we were very tired.
Day 6
  • Breakfast at Izumo airport. "Honey toast" and coffee. Basically a thick slice of toast with butter and honey.
  • Flight back to Tokyo (Haneda) from Izumo.
  • Checked into Cerulean Tower Hotel in Shibuya, my final home for the trip.
  • Off to Shinagawa to present JRuby at Rakuten's offices. Across the street from Namco/Bandai! Lots of great questions...I think they were impressed.
  • Back to Shibuya with Takashi for Shabu-Shabu dinner. Mid-range Japanese beef...truly excellent. Ate way too much.
Day 7
  • Woke up a couple times in the night with indigestion. Why oh why did I eat so much beef?
  • Off to Sun KK offices in Yoga for a public techtalk event.
  • JRuby presentation wowed attendees...lots of questions after and great discussions.
  • Traditional Japanese-style dinner with Takai-san and Ohba-san, plus the excellent Sun KK JRuby enthusiasts.
  • Witnessed registration of new site and discussed new mascot ideas for JRuby. NekoRuby, perhaps?
  • Many new consumption firsts: Hoppy (cheap beer plus shouchu on ice), raw beef, and raw horse. I can check horse off my list.
  • Ramen in Shibuya to close out the night.
Day 8
  • Internal presentation on JRuby at Sun KK offices. Slim attendance...there were apparently HR training sessions at the same time. But still fun.
  • Big sigh of relief at being done presenting. Lunch at Chinese restaurant with Takashi and said goodbye. どもありがとございます, Shitamichi-san!
  • Stopped into hotel to arrange remaining plans for the day.
  • Visted Edo-Tokyo Museum in Ryogoku, to see images and artifacts of the old capital. Choked up a bit watching videos of the incendiary bombing raids by the US on Tokyo.
  • Headed to Akihabara to meet up with ko1. Wandered around for about an hour before heading up to his "Sasada-lab".
  • Mini "JRuby Kaigi" at Sasada-lab. Showed off Duby, JRuby optimizations, and Ruby-Processing demos (plus applets!).
  • Off to "Meido Kissa" ("Maid Cafe") with ko1 and other members of ruby-core. Very unusual experience, but entertaining.
  • Back to hotel. Considered a trip to my favorite Belgian beer bar in Shibuya ("Belgo"), but I'm plumb tuckered out. Catching up on email, IRC, and writing this post.
Day 9
  • All that remains is getting to Narita and flying home. Hopefully all will go smoothly.
Well, that's about it. Any names I've excluded I'll hopefully include in more detailed posts later. To all the Japanese Rubyists (and JRubyists): thank you so much for making me feel so welcome, and I hope we can work together to make JRuby the best Ruby implementation it can possibly be. Please feel free to email me (Japanese is ok!) or find me on IRC (Japanese is ok!) and please try to help the site be a success when it is ready. I think there's a tremendous future for JRuby in Japan!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Inspiration from RailsConf

RailsConf 2008 is over, and it was by far better than last year. I'm not one for drawn-out conference wrap-up posts so here's a summary of my most inspiring moments and if applicable how they're going to affect JRuby going forward.

  • IronRuby and Rubinius both running Rails has inspired me to finally knock out the last Rails bottlenecks in JRuby. Look for a release sometime this summer or later this fall to be accompanied by a whole raft of numbers proving better performance under JRuby than any other options. Oh, and huge congratulations to both teams, and I wish you the best of luck on the road to running larger apps.
  • Phusion's Passenger (formerly mod_rails) has made some excellent incremental improvements to MRI for running Rails. It's nothing revolutionary, but judging by the graphs they've managed 10-20% memory and perf improvements over the next best MRI-based option. We're going to try to match them by more aggressively sharing immutable runtime data across JRuby instances such as parsed Ruby code (which on some measurements accounts for almost 40% of a freshly-started app's memory use). We'd like to be able to say that JRuby is also the most memory-efficient way to run Rails in the near future.
  • The Maglev presentation inspired me to dive back into performance. For the most part, we stopped really working hard on performance once we started to be generally as fast as Ruby 1.9. Now we'll start pulling out all the stops and really kick JRuby into high gear.
  • Wilson Bilkovitch impressed me most when he used the historically-correct "drinking the Flavor-Ade" instead of the incorrect but more popular "drinking the Kool-Aid".
  • Ezra's talk on Vertebra, Engine Yard's upcoming Erlang-based XMPP routing engine, almost inspired me to try out Erlang a bit. Almost. At any rate it sounds awesome...I am all set to write an agent plugin for JRuby when it's released and the protocol is published
  • My keynote was generally pretty well received, but I had several people say I should have smiled more, and that it came off as a bit defensive. I think a lot of that had to do with getting only 10 minutes for the whole thing and trying to jam too much in, but I'll definitely pay attention to that in the future.
  • This was my first US-based Ruby-related conference where I did not play Werewolf. I don't expect to ever play much (or maybe ever) in the future. I've decided I don't really want to play a game where the best players are the ones who can learn to lie most convincingly. It seems like a crucial flaw in the game, and if I ever do play again I will try to make a strong case that to win, kill the most experienced people first. They'll never be a net good, because if they're good villagers with strong deductive skills, they're also likely to be good warewolves, with strong lying skills. Eject them immediately.
All told, a great conference. I'm looking forward to RailsConf EU 2008 and RubyConf 2008.

Sunday, June 01, 2008


Of course anyone who reads my blog expected I'd have something to say about Maglev once it was made public. I've previously performed what I thought was a fair analysis of the various Ruby implementations, and Maglev was mostly a sidebar. With their coming out at RailsConf, they're now fair game for some level of analysis.

Avi Bryant and Bob Walker talked about Maglev, a new Ruby VM based on Gemstone's Smalltalk VM, at RailsConf this weekend. And there's been an explosion of coverage about it.

First off, they demonstrated its distributed object database automatically synchronizing globally-reachable state across multiple VMs. It's an amazing new idea that the world has never really seen...

except that it isn't. This is based on existing OODB technology that Gemstone and others have been promoting for better than a decade. It's cool stuff, no doubt, but it's been available in Gemstone's Smalltalk product and in their Java product for years, and hasn't seen widespread adoption. Maybe it's on the rise, I really don't know. It's certainly cool, but it's certainly not new.

The duo eventually moved on to show off some performance numbers. And please pardon me if I don't have these numbers exactly right. They showed our old friend fib running something like 15x faster. Method dispatch something like 30x faster. While loops 100x faster. Amazing results.

Except that these are results reported entirely in a vacuum. Whether this is fib following the "rules" of Ruby is entirely an open question. Whether this is method dispatch adhering to Ruby's call logic is entirely an open question. Whether this is a while loop using all method calls for its condition and increment steps is an open quesetion. Because the Maglev guys haven't started running Ruby tests yet. Is it Ruby?

I don't want to come off as too defensive here, and I don't want to appear as though I'm taking shots at another implementation. I've certainly launched my share of controversial commentary at Rubinius and IronRuby over the past few months, and while some of it may perhaps have slipped over the edge of polite commentary, I always thought I was being at least honest.

But there's an entirely new situation with Maglev. Maglev has begun to publish glowing performance numbers well in advance of actually running anything at all. They haven't started running the RubySpecs and have no compatibility story today. You can't actually get Maglev yet and run anything on it. It's worse than Vaporware, it's Presentationware. Go to Gemstone's site and download Maglev (you can't). Pull the source (you can't). Build it yourself and investigate what it does (you can't). You start to understand what I mean. And this is what the "Ruby media" is calling the most disruptive new Ruby technology. Dudes, come on. Were you born yesterday?

It's time for a confession. I've been too hard on IronRuby and Rubinius. Both teams are working really hard on their respective implementations, and both teams have really tried to stay true to Ruby ideals in everything they do. Guess what...IronRuby runs Rails. Rubinius runs Rails. And if they're not production ready now, they will be soon. And that's a good thing for Ruby. Sure, I still believe both teams may have made unreasonable claims about what they'd be able to accomplish in a given period of time, but we've all made those claims. If they haven't delivered on all milestones, they've delivered on most of the important ones. And it's those milestones I think deserve some credit now.

My sin is pride. I'm proud of what we've accomplished with JRuby. And when new implementers come along saying they're going to do it in half the time, I feel like it belittles the effort we've put in. IronRuby has done it. Rubinius has done it. And while I've occasionally lashed out at them as a result, I've always been right there trying to help them...answering questions, contributing specs, suggesting strategies and even committing code. In the end it's the cockiness...the attitude...the belief that "I know better than you do" that irritates me, and I'm too sensitive to it. Color me human. But it's time for me and others to understand another side of IronRuby and Rubinius in light of this new contender.

Rubinius and IronRuby teams have always considered compatibility as the primary goal. If you can't run Ruby apps, you're not Ruby, right? And so every step of the way, as they published performance results AND compatibility metrics, they've always been honest about the future.

IronRuby has managed to get great performance on several benchmarks by leveraging the DLR and the excellent language implementation folks on the DLR and IronPython teams at Microsoft. So if nothing else, they've proven many of the "fast-bootstrapping" claims they've made about the DLR. And they've always been balanced in reporting results...John Lam has shown a couple slow benchmarks along with fast benchmarks at every talk, not to mention showing spec results with pass/fail rates clearly spelled out. That honesty has not gone unnoticed, and it shows a realism and humility that will ensure IronRuby's future; a realism that will ensure Ruby users who really want or need a .NET implementation will receive an excellent one.

Rubinius has taken an entirely new approach to implementing Ruby by attempting to write as much as possible in Ruby itself. Maybe they have a lot of C/C++ code right now, but it's not that big a deal...and I was perhaps too pedantic to focus on this ratio in previous posts. What's important is that Rubinius has always tried to be an entirely open, community-driven project. Their successes and failures are immediately accessible to anyone who wants to pull the source; and anyone who wants to pull the source can probably become a Rubinius contributor within a short amount of time. They've had performance ups and downs, but again they've been honest about both the good and the bad. And like IronRuby, if they haven't trumpeted the bad side of things, it's because they're already proving that the Ruby-in-Ruby approach absolutely can work. The bad side will lessen over time until it completely disappears.

Then there's Maglev. Like the other impls, I'm excited that there's a new possibility for Ruby to succeed. A high performance, "scalable" Ruby implementation is certainly what this community needs. But unlike most of the other implementations, it seems like Maglev is pushing performance numbers without compatibility metrics; marketing before reality. Am I far off here?

Let's take a step back. Maglev will probably be amazing. It will probably be fast, maybe on some order approaching the numbers they've reported. Maybe this will happen some day along with support for existing Ruby code. And hell, maybe I'll use it too...I want to be able to write applications in Ruby and have insane performance so I can just write code the way I want to write code. So do you.

But we're talking theory here. So let's do an experiment using JRuby briefly.

Maglev published fib numbers as being around 15x MRI performance. That's very impressive. So let's check MRI perf on my machine (keeping in mind, as I've stated previously, that fib is far from indicative of any real-world performance):

Ruby 1.8.6, fib(34), best of 10: 6.56s

Now let's try stock JRuby, with full compatibility:

JRuby 1.1.2, fib(34), best of 10: 1.735s (3.8x faster)

Not bad, but certainly not up to Maglev speeds, right? Well...perhaps. JRuby, like IronRuby and Rubinius, has always focused first on compatibility. This means we're bending over backwards to make normal Ruby code run. So in many cases, we're doing more work than we need to, because compatibility has always been the primary goal. IronRuby and Rubinius will report the same process. Make it work, then make it fast. And both IronRuby and Rubinius are now starting to run Rails, so I think we've proven at least three times that this is the right approach.

But let's say we could tweak JRuby to run with some "future" optimizations, optimizations that might not be quite "Ruby" but which would still successfully run these benchmarks.

First, we'll turn off first-class frame object allocation/initialization, since it's not needed here:

JRuby 1.1.2, fib(34), no frames: 1.273s (5.15x faster than MRI)

Now we'll turn off thread checkpointing needed to implement operations like Thread#kill and Thread#raise, as well as turning off artificial line-position updates:

JRuby 1.1.2, fib(34), -frames, -checkpoints, -positions: 1.25s (5.24x faster)

Now we'll add in some fast integer operations like Ruby 1.9 includes, where Fixnum#+, -, etc are specially-handled by the compiler. And we'll simultaneously omit some last framing overhead that's still around to handle backtrace information:

JRuby 1.1.2, fib(34), "fastest" mode: 0.984s (6.67x faster)

So just by tweaking a few things we've gained another 3x performance over MRI. Are we having fun yet? Should we extrapolate to optimizations X, Y, Z that bring JRuby performance another half-dozen times faster than MRI? If we can run the benchmarks, it shouldn't matter that we can't run Ruby code, right?

The truth is that not all of these optimizations are kosher right now. Removing the ability to override Fixnum#+ certainly makes it easier to optimize addition, but it's not in the spirit of Ruby. Removing frames may be legal in some cases (like this one) but it's not legal in all cases. And of course I've blogged about how Thread#kill and Thread#raise are broken, but we have to support them anyway. On and on we can go through lots of optimizations you might make in the first 100 days of your implementation, only to back out later when you realize you're actually breaking features people depend on.

This all adds up to a very different picture of Ruby implementation. Rather than wishing for a rose-colored world where anyone with a new VM can swoop in and post magic performance numbers, perhaps we as Ruby community members should be focusing on whether this is going to help us actually run today's apps any better; whether these results are repeatable in ways that actually help us get shit done. Perhaps we should be focusing on the compatibility story over bleeding-edge early performance numbers; focusing on tangible steps toward the future rather than the "furs and gold rings" that David warned about in his keynote. Maybe we should think more about the effect that broadcasting vaporware performance numbers will have on the community, rather than rushing to be the first to republish the latest numbers on the latest slides. Maybe it's worth taking all this microbenchmark nonsense with a grain of salt and trying it out ourselves (if, of course, that's even possible) before serving as the mouthpiece for others' commercial ventures.

Am I wrong? Am I being unfair? Am I taking an unreasonable shot at Maglev?